feel alive, in love &
sexually empowered!


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discover the best LOVER of your life... you!

become multi-orgasmic

by first awakening your vital-energy and libido in your life AND in lovemaking with yourself or another person. You'll have the knowledge and power to re-awaken this life-force spark whenever it feels lost.

be sexually satisfied

in a way that strengthens the connection with yourself and your relationship/s
You feel so "at home" sexually that your confidence and satisfaction open you up an unexpected experience of inner peace.

finally feel
fully alive

as a result of knowing how to awaken and cultivate your sexual energy. For this you learn how to balance your inner feminine and masculine, which gifts you authentic empowerment, radiance and feeling strong in allowing vulnerability.

awakening my sexual energy transformed my life

Hey i'm Mirjam!

Holistic Sexuality Coach & Psychologist

Founder of the Multi-Orgasmic Method, I love working with women and men who want to liberate their sexuality and love. We all (secretly) desire to have mind-soul-spirit blowing orgasms that makes us feel more alive and empowered in everyday life, and in our relationships!

after years of experience in private sexological bodywork, massage & coaching, I created an online MASTERPIECE for women & men!


Multi-Orgasmic Touch

the sex ed you wished you would have received in your teens


in how you experience your sexuality. Get ready to be blown away by the energy potential that is yet to awaken in you!

Juicy Practices 

the best structures, practices and rituals to awaken and begin to move sexual energy in your body and master this energy

The Why

behind all the practices because knowledge that leads to embodied understanding, is wisdom. You'll know what you're experiencing in your body


is an embodied state where you feel relaxed, strong & grounded as you run the energies of pleasure, emotion & orgasm through your body


your sexual energy is a gateway to connect with the divine. When you awaken your orgasmic energy you go beyond yourself and the ego...


bring orgasm, pleasure and more energy flow into your everyday life. Reconnect with your playful, curious and spontaneous self for more joyful creativity

Emotional Maturity

learn how to work with the with the strong energies of your emotions so they can flow

Mature Feminine & Masculinity

how to approach solo and partnered sex from balanced inner and outer polarity


how and when to communicate your sexual needs, boundaries and desires so you can deepen your trust, connection & sensual experiences in partnership


orgasms obviously... but how about pleasure before, after and in-between too! Trade the dull feeling that lingers in the background of your life for sensuality


self-love, universal love, mature love, sustainable love, compatible love... when you find that connection to love within, your relationships just get better!

are you ready for a whole new way of experiencing life?


live program

The Multi-Orgasmic Method for Women

Awaken and cultivate your sexual energy! Discover 10+ ways to orgasm, (re)connect to the power of your sex and explore pleasure that you didn’t even know existed...
"This course guided me to connect with my body. I felt really ashamed about it. Hearing the difficulties that other women experience was really helpful. I was able to accept myself more and see that pleasure is possible for me. Every week there was something new and a breakthrough." 


live program

The Multi-Orgasmic Method for Men

Master your sexual energy and ejaculation control (orgasm without is possible). Embody your healthy masculine power and become the multi-orgasmic man she craves deep down!
"I joined the online course for men because I'm struggling with sexual blockages like premature orgasms. This is a very vulnerable subject and is affecting a lot of my (love)life. I'm experienced in and with body, energy and trauma work but Mirjam has been the first to touch the core of the issue. Thank you so much Mirjam."


live program for women

The Multi-Orgasmic Method for Yoni Healing

practice trauma aware yoni self-massage and de-armoring to (re)discover your pleasure potential and get rid of numbness, tension and pain
"If you’d like to put some time and energy in your sex life and you don’t know how to or feel some resistance, Mirjam's course is PERFECT for you."


free mini-course

The Multi-Orgasmic Foundational Practice

This is the basic practice that supports full body orgasmic experiences. It makes you feel more alive and empowered, supports emotional transformation and purifies your energy channels. I take working with sexual energy pretty seriously and in this mini-course I don't just share the foundational practice of the MOM method, but you also get an in-depth explanation of how it works.
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